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She works “magic” with her hands as her patients say..

Dr. Tovah Goldfine has been a practicing doctor of Chiropractic since 1985, 23 of those years were in the USA and since her Aliyah to Israel in 2009, she has been practicing and treating patients locally.


She is a specialist in gentle Chiropractic treatment where she uses various techniques on the body assisting the alignment and muscular system to remove pressure from the nerves, ligaments, muscles, and other soft tissue structures.


One of the keys to a "pain free" life

She is a specialist of gentle Chiropractic treatment where she uses various techniques on the body assisting the  alignment and muscular system to remove pressure from the nerves, ligaments, muscles and other soft tissue structures.


Dr Tovah is also a specialist in Fitness and Rehabilitation and with this knowledge she has been able to help hundreds of patients in pain get out of pain and back on their feet and moving again in a regular exercise routine.

What are the symptoms of TMS (Tension Myoneural Syndrome)?

The symptoms are numerous and quite varied. Since TMS involves mostly muscle, nerve and tendon tissue in the body, almost any part of the body could be affected. A few of the more common manifestations are:

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Chronic and recurrent back pain

Chronic neck pain

Pain that radiates to a leg or arm

Carpal tunnel syndrome

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Tendonitis of the elbow (tennis elbow, golf elbow)

Knee pain

Achilles tendonitis (pain and inflammation of the Achilles tendon)

Weakness, numbness, loss of sensation or diminished reflex reactions in the arms and/or legs

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All information, content, and material of this website provided is for informational purposes only.


All information, content, and material of this website provided is for informational purposes only.

It is not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.


If serious symptoms arise, seek immediate medical attention.

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